Опубликован 2021-10-25



The results obtained by analyzing the production of multibaryon clusters in π−C and  p20Ne interactions at moments of 40 and 300 GeV/c, respectively, are presented.       

Как цитировать

Mamatova, X., & Sharofiddinov, N. (2021). SEARCH AND RESEARCH MULTIBARYON CLUSTERING IN HADRON-NUCLEAR COLLISION AT HIGH ENERGY. Физико-технологического образование, 5(5). извлечено от https://ppmedu.jdpu.uz/index.php/phys-tech/article/view/3232

Библиографические ссылки

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Xolida Mamatova

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute

Nodirbek Sharofiddinov

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute

Ключевые слова:

deconfinement of colors and reception, quark-gluon plasmas, baryon cluster, hadron, proton, moment
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