Family and family relationships, especially, mutual relationship between wife and husband in a family is continuing to be one of actual problems (tasks) which has a prior demand for studying and investigating. At present time, changes in all sectors of society and stages of rebuilding it, couples which are getting married and establishing a worthy family relationhave vital position in our society, in which interrelation between wife and husband, their unity, understanding each other means nourishing those families and good psychological surroundin.
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Библиографические ссылки
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Imomqulova, F. (2021). ОИЛАДА ЭР-ХОТИН МУНОСАБАТЛАРИНИНГ ИЖТИМОИЙ ПСИХОЛОГИК ХУСУСИЯТЛАРИ. Журнал Педагогики и психологии в современном образовании, (2). извлечено от https://ppmedu.jspi.uz/index.php/ppmedu/article/view/2962
Imomqulova, F. (2021). ISSUES OF UPBRINGING IN UZBEK FAMILIES. Журнал Педагогики и психологии в современном образовании, (1). извлечено от https://ppmedu.jspi.uz/index.php/ppmedu/article/view/2620
Fotima Imomqulova
Jizzax State Pedagogical Institute
Ключевые слова:
Family, Shariat in marriage, husband and wifeВыпуск
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